Adult Services

At CAMP we expose participants to experiences out into the broader community and beyond their proximate surroundings. We ensure participants have access to supports not only at home but also in the community. We emphasise on the identification and development of suitable pathways for participants that will prepare them with knowledge and transferable skills as adults. Through our adult services, participants will increase their independence by building skills and developing strategies. We encourage our participants to further develop and apply leisure skills independently as well as take on a greater responsibility for themselves and others through individual and group activities. While out in the community participants will learn and practice safe behaviours.

Through our services, adults will increase independence, make connections within the community, build confidence, develop social networks and learn skills for life. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals by adapting services to suit your individual choices or giving you the opportunity to join some of our group activities. CAMP will help you get the most from your life by working together with you and your family. 


Individual Supports

At CAMP we value and understand that each child is unique in their own way. Our staff are committed to working with families to provide tailored services and support to ensure the individuals needs, interests and goals are at the centre of the adult’s care.

Individual supports include:

  • Learn or develop a particular skill.
  • Increased independence at home and within the community.


Recreation group programs run each weekend throughout the course of the year. These programs are fun, inclusive and allow for social interactions with other children aswell as accessing a range of places and experiences across the inner and outer Melbourne region. 

  • Weekend programs – Single day fun and engaging activities and weekend camps out and about in the community.  Small groups, of either regular or casual attendees, operate for specific age groups and common participant interests.
  • School Holiday Program Activities run every school holiday period – fun, social, activity packed and community based.

Skill Development

At CAMP, we support participants to develop skills which will support them to build a positive future. Our post school and group day services offer a wide variety of program options which allow you to build confidence, learn skills, increase your independence, and pursue your interests.


Group Based Day Program/Post School Options

Leaving school can bring challenges for everyone, but it can also bring many opportunities. If you are newly out of school, or have finished some time ago, we provide a variety of support and program options in small group settings which allow you to increase your confidence and independence, pursue your interests and develop skills. Our programs aim to provide learning, volunteer and work opportunities for you by focusing on community participation and building strong community connections.

Specific Skill Development

Participants will engage with a small group to work together to learn and practice specific skills in real life situations. Whether it’s developing improved communication skills using a variety of communication devices, learning basic living skills, outdoor health and fitness, we will work with you to develop the specific skills you need.

Communication Support

At CAMP For Kids & Adults we believe that every individual has the ability to communicate. This is why our team takes the time to be up skilled in different communication systems to be able to provide the best support to each individual. When out in the community we encourage all individuals to bring along their communication device which allows each team member to support them to communicate their wants and needs at all times. Our Communication Coordinator not only up skills each team member, they will also work with other individuals who work to support you in how to engage, model, and set up your communication systems and devices. This will allow each individual to feel heard, as well as make communication easier for you and allows you to create an environment that is more inclusive and communication accessible.